贝博体彩app的海滨非常适合家庭居住. 体验39号码头这里是著名的海狮的故乡.


San Francisco offers a variety of tours and attractions that are easily accessible to everyone.

Discover San Francisco's most inclusive tours and attractions that allow for an enjoyable exploration of a city renowned for its rich culture and 标志性的地标. 无论是漫步在迷人的街道上 渔人码头,让自己沉浸在缤纷之中 博物馆或者在标志性建筑中徘徊 金门公园, these diverse experiences create an inviting destination for all.


Ready to explore some of the iconic sights of San Francisco? 以下是SF的一些顶级景点.


码头39, 贝博体彩app最吸引人的地方之一, ensures accessibility for all visitors with features such as ramps and six elevators providing access to all levels. Explore two levels of shopping, restaurants, and, of course, the sea lions! Enjoy a comfortable experience seamlessly navigating the pier and surrounding area. Visit their info booth at the main entrance for any additional assistance.


的历史 渡口 has undergone renovations to prioritize accessibility, providing an inclusive experience for all. 的 weekend farmers' market and interior marketplace are all conveniently situated on the ground floor. 探索各种各样的商店, 当地的餐馆, and stunning downtown architecture while taking in iconic water views. Elevators are available for reaching the second and third floors, and any additional assistance can be requested at the information station near the entrance.


吉尔德利广场 is dedicated to providing an inclusive experience for visitors of all abilities. 的 former chocolate factory has undergone significant upgrades to ensure easy movement throughout the space. Whether exploring its delightful shops or savoring its restaurants, 吉尔德利广场 enables all guests to enjoy its historic charm.


Salesforce公园 是否致力于包容性. 拥有广泛的, 甚至通路, 多个电梯入口, 下面的公共交通也很方便, Salesforce公园保证了无缝的体验. Whether wandering through its lush landscapes or relaxing in the sun, this tranquil space allows visitors to immerse themselves in nature in the heart of downtown SF.


天星轮 at Fisherman’s Wharf prioritizes full accessibility for all guests requiring assistance. 票, 视情况而定, are priced at $18 per person and can be purchased online or at the ticket booth. 到达天星摩天轮后, please inform the ticketing agent if you require assistance before joining the line. Please note that the VIP gondola, priced at $50 per person, is not wheelchair accessible.



San Francisco's arts and culture scene invites everyone to experience incredible 博物馆 and captivating cultural delights. 

Find the full list of accessible 博物馆 in San Francisco 在这里


Find the perfect tour so you can explore all the iconic sights of the City by the Bay. 


所有的恶魔岛游轮都可以进入,而且 恶魔岛 features numerous accessible areas, made even more convenient with the S.E.A.T. (可持续便捷交通)有轨电车. 有辅助听力设备, 音频描述, 触觉模型, 大字体, 以及盲文音频导览脚本, everyone can immerse themselves in the rich history showcased at 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 Landing and on 恶魔岛.

票 cost anyw在这里 from $45 to $102, depending on the tour you book. 票 sell out in advance, so early booking is critical.


蓝色的 & 黄金舰队

蓝色的 & 黄金舰队 offers wheelchair-accessible areas and restrooms on the main deck. 然而,上层甲板只能通过楼梯进入. 享受海湾游船, 日落巡航, and the exciting Escape from 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 cruise with 蓝色的 and 黄金舰队. 门票从32美元到47美元不等,可在网上购买.



所有 红与白 vessels offer wheelchair-accessible areas and restrooms on the main deck. 体验他们的海湾巡游, 桥对桥游船, 或暮光之旅, 价格从29美元到50美元不等. 购买门票 in advance on their website to ensure availability.



CityExperience has accessible yachts in its fleet, not all yachts and decks provide accessibility. 为了获得最佳体验, please call 888-467-6256 to confirm accessibility on your chosen cruise date. 享受他们的晚餐或早午餐游轮, 观光旅游, 或者特别活动游轮, 门票从50美元到100多美元不等, 取决于巡航.



Aaron是Digital的经理 & 社交媒体营销在贝博体彩app旅游. He has lived in San Francisco for over 9 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过7个是旅游业. He is usually exploring the Bay Area hunting for that new and unique experience and good food too! 
