Emma Grice Keenan

Textile Artist Emma Keenan-Grice

我们问了艺术家艾玛·基南-格赖斯,她从科幻小说中找到了什么灵感, 以及她认为每个游客在逗留期间应该做的事情.

If you want to have a truly genuine San Francisco experience, then you have to consult the experts: our friendly locals. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, and always ready with a recommendation for what to do, 看到, 或吃, San Franciscans of all types have been part of our ongoing "How I See San Francisco" 系列.

成长的过程中, 贝博体彩app人艾玛·基南-格赖斯一直喜欢用自己的双手绘画和制作东西. 她在华盛顿大学获得文学学士学位,并在阿姆斯特丹留学, finding inspiration in the De Stijl movement. After graduating, 她回到湾区,完成了贝博体彩app城市学院的平面设计课程. 艾玛在她位于内里士满的工作室里继续绘画和探索其他艺术媒介.

我们问艾玛,她在“海湾之城”哪里找到灵感, 以及她认为每个来贝博体彩app的游客都应该做的事情.

What does a typical day in San Francisco look like for you?

I wake up and make a cup of coffee or go to the 田生. I check my emails and fulfill some orders. Once that’s done, I’ll do some sketching and color studies. 午休时,我有时会去附近的泰式国王2号餐厅. 然后回到工作室,画画或者开始铺地毯. Before it gets too late, I try and make my way to 海洋海滩 to enjoy the sunset and unwind a bit. 在那之后,我做晚饭,然后继续工作,因为我是个夜猫子.


I grew up in the inner 日落. I recently moved to the inner 里士满 这就是我正在探索的街区. It has so much to offer in terms of food and parks. I love the farmer’s market every Sunday.

You’re a prolific artist, 通过许多不同的媒介(绘画)扩展你的创意输出, clothing/fashion, prints and rugs). Where do you get your inspiration and ideas?

我从在海洋海滩看到的颜色中获得了很多灵感和想法. 我喜欢在日落的时候去,然后等到“日落之后”再去,因为有时你会看到更鲜艳的色彩. It’s such a beautiful place to go and detach from your phone.

Is there a local artist you admire?

Kindah Khalidy. 她对色彩的运用以及她作为画家和纺织品设计师探索多种媒介的方式给了我灵感.


You should always check out the 博物馆. 想要了解伦敦金融城的艺术家们在做什么,最好去克拉里昂巷和巴尔米巷 任务. The murals there are always changing. 你会觉得自己与生活在这个城市的艺术家们所关心的东西是如此的紧密相连.


My favorite event is West Coast Craft. 这是一个伟大的工艺博览会,总是有这样一个不同的艺术家和制造商团体展示和出售他们的作品. I love 看到ing what people are creating. 看到其他人在他们的艺术和他们喜欢的东西上投入这么多时间和努力,总是令人鼓舞.


My last meal in San Francisco would be from Shanghai Dumpling King on Monterey Blvd. 他们以前在外里士满有一家店,那家店关门的时候我很伤心. 原来他们有这个店,我很高兴知道我还能吃到他们美味的饺子和菜豆. They have amazing string beans! I haven’t found ones better than the ones I’ve had there. I also highly recommend their spicy wontons.


Yamo is still on my list. 它在Mission,我从我所有的朋友那里听说了很多关于它的事情. I can’t wait to go.

Where do you like to view sunrise and sunset?

I like to view sunrise at Tank Hill. It’s in Cole Valley and close to Sutro Tower. You get this amazing view of downtown, the bay, and Oakland. 它很漂亮,因为你可以看到太阳升起,照亮市中心. I love to 看到 the sunset at 海洋海滩. A winter sunset at 海洋海滩 is underrated. I’m a huge fan of listening to some music, dancing 在海滩上, and enjoying the view and colors as the sun goes down.

Tell us about a time you felt most at home in San Francisco.

我认为这座城市周围的雾和各种微气候真的把我和贝博体彩app联系在了一起. 当我离开家一天的时候,我感觉最像在家里,我已经准备好迎接贝博体彩app给我带来的各种天气.

What should every visitor to San Francisco do at least once?

They should take the ferry to Sausalito. 它价格实惠,而且能让你看到这座城市很酷的景色. 你可以从一个不同的角度看市中心而且你离 Golden Gate Bridge.


The trails up and around Sutro Tower. Sheltered by the dense trees, 你被传送到一个童话般的风景,雾气在树林中蔓延. 偶尔, 当你爬上树时,你可以瞥见城市和不同的社区.


They should go on 徒步旅行 在兰兹角欣赏海湾、海洋和金门大桥的壮丽景色. 它离海滩很近,离很多旅游景点都很远, but it is so worth the trek out there.


A visitor familiar with San Francisco should go to Arizmendi Bakery (1331 Ninth Ave.). I grew up going to Arizmendi and I can’t recommend them enough. It’s a great place to get a morning pastry or pizza for lunch.