Dolores Park is one of San Francisco's favorite gathering spots.


With the help of local adventurer Paulina刀 and 希尔顿, we've created the perfect San Francisco itinerary for outdoors lovers.

贝博体彩app被美国一些最未被破坏的自然美景所环绕. 从海湾边的城市到邻近的城市 奥克兰 到戏剧性的悬崖 马林,你会发现希尔顿酒店位置便利,可以帮助你发现所有这些目的地.

You should make time to explore all that the Bay Area has to offer; but did you know that you can get your nature fix without ever leaving San Francisco city limits? 这是正确的. 拥有丰富的独特 城市公园,户外休闲场所,并可达 上涨, San Francisco earns its reputation for being green in more ways than one.

There's never been a better time to appreciate the outdoors, 没有哪个大城市比贝博体彩app更适合户外探险了. But don't take our word for it; take it from photographer, 冒险家和湾区户外女性的创始人, Paulina刀. A San Francisco native now living in the Sacramento area, Paulina came to visit for a few days to rediscover the magic of her hometown. 她和我们分享了她的行程,这是一次难忘的经历,她探索了贝博体彩app的自然美景,同时抽出时间重温了一些她最喜欢的当地企业.

我喜欢在车后座上醒来, unshowered, but I also love sleeping in an enormous bed with crisp, 干净的床单.


    If you’re coming to San Francisco to stretch your legs,re are plenty of 停留的地方 that are a short walk from iconic attractions; but if you want to get up close and personal,re's one 社区 to stay in that rises to the top: 联合广场. 从市中心的标志性建筑,比如 渡轮大厦 还有缆车, 更不用说整个社区的奢侈品零售店和高级餐厅了, 联合广场是活动的中心. 


    A little pampering the night before an urban hike never hurt anybody. 在 贝博体彩app联合广场希尔顿酒店, 宝琳娜旅行的大本营, 你可以在他们精心布置的客房或室外游泳池旁休息——这在贝博体彩app的酒店中是罕见的. 就像它位于市中心一样, 如果你准备在贝博体彩app度过一个周末的户外探险,希尔顿联合广场是一个让你找到方向的好地方.  许多房间都有阳台,让你不用离开房间就能呼吸到新鲜空气. 

    如果你真的想了解这片土地,一定要去46楼喝一杯 城市景观, 酒店's stylish bar that offers spectacular city views of the 金门大桥,市政厅, 海湾大桥等等. You can practically map out the next day's entire hike from up here! Creative cocktails named for San Francisco 社区, 来自附近纳帕和索诺玛的葡萄酒, 还有当地最受欢迎的精酿啤酒. 城市的氛围 changes by the hour, as the sun sets and the city begins to light up below.


    With a full schedule, grab breakfast on the go at 酒店 然后准备好开始探索. Paulina wanted her first stop to be something truly special to San Francisco, 于是她走到附近 结合 to sample the incredible confections at Benkyodo. Benkyodo is one of the city’s oldest and most popular businesses. 无论什么时候来,你都要排队,但蓝莓和草莓麻糬值得等待. The shop is cash-only, so it's best to visit an ATM beforehand.

    超过一个世纪, 这家店做的麻糬是本市最好的, 街区周围的长队就是证据. 等待是值得的.

    从那里, 穿过迷人的社区,走一小段路就能到达贝博体彩app最大的户外空间之一, 金门公园它是多个博物馆和博物馆的所在地 贝博体彩app植物园. 占地55英亩, 植物园有超过8个,000 different kinds of plants from around the world. 如果你在九月或十月(我们一年中最温暖的月份)来,你可以期待看到 haemanthus coccineus 或者是 樱红色 denticulata. San Francisco's unique climate allows them all to thrive, 让游客有机会不用离开公园就能环游世界. 

    金门公园是野餐的好地方. Paulina picked up some sandwiches at Deli Board for her and some friends. These hefty, tasty creations are well worth every penny. With a rotating menu, you might have all new choices on your return visit!

    If a less arduous path is what you're looking for, you can continue west through 金门公园 all the way to Ocean Beach. 在宽阔的海滩或高速公路上沿着太平洋漫步(周末仅限行人), 一直到那个废墟 海水浴场 and their stunning look-out points out over the Pacific Ocean. 它是探险家的乐园,展示了海洋的力量和贝博体彩app不寻常的历史. 

    If a more vertical climb is what you're looking for, leave the park behind and head east over Tank Hill or 双峰. 你可以从任何一个地方欣赏到360度的城市全景,然后进入 卡斯特罗和诺埃谷 社区. 

    Hikers explore San Francisco's 海水浴场 near the Pacific Ocean
    The 海水浴场 are the ruins of a late 19th century public bathhouse. 信贷:@mehtabchithiwala

    继续往东走,增加食欲,因为在你意识到之前,你就已经 任务的区. This 社区 is technically San Francisco's oldest, 但你永远不会从充满活力的人那里知道, 多样化的 餐厅和酒吧场景 你在任何一个晚上都会遇到. 使人瞠目的 壁画 在你前往附近任何一家高级餐厅的路上,公共艺术比比皆是. Vegan fare at Gracias Madre is known to convert even the staunchest carnivore. 阿根廷牛排餐厅 Lolinda is surpassed only by its rooftop counterpart, El Techo. 经典的教会风格 墨西哥卷饼 can be found at many 社区 favorite taquerias. Farmhouse Thai is a bit farther off the beaten path, but absolutely worth the extra steps f或者是ir Pad Thai.


    在回联合广场的路上, reward yourself with a drink at one of the 社区's many eclectic bars. The Mission's contagious energy doesn't dissipate once the sun goes down, 所以你要参观的不止一个. Trick Dog餐厅的鸡尾酒屡获殊荣,你可以从定制的配图菜单中选择.

    Dolores Park is one of San Francisco's favorite gathering spots.


    即使是像宝琳娜这样的湾区当地人也无法抗拒参观贝博体彩app的一些机会 传奇的景象你也不应该这样. 这就是为什么在第三天,她走出酒店,跳上了一艘历史悠久的 缆车 在联合广场,骑到山顶 头山. 从那里, 走一小段路就到邻近的俄罗斯山, where you can pick up authentic Vietnamese coffee at The Soapbox Cafe, 哪个是移民和家族拥有的, 然后探索小但不可低估的伊娜库尔布里斯公园,欣赏令人难以置信的美景 金融区.

    从那里,享受下坡步行到 渔人码头, 那里有新鲜的海鲜,可爱的当地人(海狮),以及受欢迎的景点,如 码头39海湾水族馆,并乘船前往 阿尔卡特拉斯岛, the world-famous prison and national park, await. You can also head west along the waterfront and arrive at 吉尔德利广场, where the famous chocolate is still being served.

    F或者是 best views in the 社区, hop aboard the 天星观景轮. From the comfort of its climate-controlled gondolas, 你会看到这座城市令人叹为观止的景色, 海湾, 还有更远的目的地!

    再往西走,你会经过梅森堡,进入贝博体彩app的风景 玛丽娜 社区. 从玛丽娜 Green和Crissy Field这样的地方,你可以清楚地看到海湾对面 索萨利托 并获得令人叹为观止的景色 金门大桥-或者和“雾”卡尔自拍.

    你知道吗?? The majority of 海狮 at 码头39 are male.

    想近距离看看金门大桥? 没有问题. 沿着小路离开克里西球场,进入 要塞. 很快,你就会发现自己准备好穿越世界上最具标志性的建筑之一. You can walk all the way over to the 马林 side and back. Just watch out for other visitors on bicycles and take an extra layer with you. 那里的风会很大!

    如果你在经历了所有这些冒险之后还在寻找挑战,就像宝琳娜那样去拜访吧 基准爬 在凡内斯大道. This brand-new bouldering gym welcomes new climbers and experienced ones alike. With an indoor climb under your belt and about 20,每天000步, make your way back to 酒店 for some much needed rest and relaxation. 没有什么比躺在舒适的酒店床上,在城市里度过一个不可思议的周末更好的了!

    Ready to start your own Bay Area outdoor adventure? 看看城里更多的选择,比如 帕洛阿尔托研究中心55 or 贝博体彩app金融区希尔顿酒店. 在该地区有40多家酒店,希尔顿可以为您提供完美的位置开始探索. 无论你是否想爬珠穆朗玛峰. 东湾或山的暗黑破坏神. 在马林的Tamalpais,或者看看巨大的金门国家娱乐区的许多小径会带你去哪里, choose 希尔顿 for your next journey to Northern California's great outdoors.

    The iconic 金门大桥 is seen from below. 贝博体彩app,加利福尼亚.


    泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, 为巨人队加油. 



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